Why choose to have a custom built PC?
Take this scenario - You've had your computer many years and it's been your slave (hopefully), but it's been gradually getting slower, then motherboard gives up. By this time all the other components are ready for retirement, so the only way forward is to invest in a new one. However, you are worried; firstly about your data, which may include photos, music, video, important documents and emails. Other concerns maybe the software you frequently use - will it be compatible, and what about licencing? Will a new PC have all the connectors my old one has, and will it work with my existing keyboard, mouse and monitor? This can all seem like a nightmare, but it doesn't have to be.
Here are some of the advantages of having a custom built PC as opposed to buying an off-the-shelf PC :
Component standards: Many manufacturers produce cheap computers, which on the outside, may look great. However, they often use low spec' components, such as a small motherboard with little or no scalability, a lack of RAM etc, to keep the costs down. Some even install laptop components which aren't as high spec' as PC components. When I build a custom PC you will have no less than the recommended hardware spec' to fulfil your computing requirements.
Component replaceability or upgrade: With some off-the-shelf PCs, the components can be very proprietary & almost impossible to source, such as the Power Supply Unit & Motherboard. With a bespoke PC, the components are of standard form factors, so there is no problem with compatibility. Depending on the clients technical & spatial requirements, I will build a machine that has the scalability, size, speed & data capacity to suit.
Compatible components: Before deciding on the parts list, I will consult with you what software you work with, what existing peripherals you are using (mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer etc) & what your budget is. It may mean either adapting what you've got or replacing/upgrading. This can be quite daunting when buying off the shelf without proper consultation. Whichever, it will be planned & priced accordingly, with a tentative time scale.
Restoring data: For many people, the data they have on their machine is more important that the hardware itself. One of the necessary services I provide is to get that data from the old machine to the new, even if the old machine is inoperable.
Software: For clients who use Windows as their operating system, in a modern PC it has to be at least Windows 10. This is due to they way Microsoft & the leading component manufacturers, such a Intel & AMD, have worked together over the last few years. If you are going from an older version of Windows, your existing software may no longer be compatible & thus will have to be updated. This can sometimes be complicated with regards to software licensing, but I have had plenty of experience with such scenarios & will make sure the process goes through successfully. I am also very experienced with Microsoft products, such as Office 365 etc, & can guide/assist you in chose the product that best suites your needs. I can also assist with alternative software.
Printer connection: Whether you are using a printer you've had for a long time or a new one, there can often be issues with connection because the correct printer/scanner software may get installed on initial connection. With my expertise, I will make sure your new PC & printer are communicating properly. In some circumstances it may need a printer replacement where it's impossible to solve any other way. For more info please look here.
Warranty: All the components I fit come from reputable suppliers & I run 'burn-in' tests at the initial stages of the build. However, (though very rare) if a component does fail within its warranty, I will replace it free of charge within the first year. Also, different components have different warranties & a motherboard may have a 3 year warranty, in which case, if it fails between 1 & 2 years I will replace it at 1/3 of the normal labour cost; between 2 & 3 years, I will replace it at 2/3 of the normal labour cost. This is instead of paying for extended warranties that you may never need & in the long run costs less.
If a new Bespoke PC sounds like an attractive prospect to you, please don't hesitate to contact me for a no obligation free quote.